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Social Distancing Is The Key To #FlattenTheCurve Called PAB-COVID-19

It's something that Jover Laurio is still ranting nonsense during the COVID-19 or the Legacy Virus crisis. I'd like to call this new FICTIONAL VIRUS as PAB-COVID-19. It means Pignoy Ako Blog-Coronavirus Disease-2019. I remembered writing about two "new strains" which are the Noynoy-COVID-19 and the Trillanes-COVID-19 strain. That's why I decided to "create" a third fictional strain called the PAB-COVID-19. What's amazing is not just Jover and people behind PAB are still blogging but also people stupid enough to argue with her. Jover is obviously lacking in the common sense area. Stupidity should not be viewed solely as a lack of intellectual power. Also, stupidity can be viewed as lacking common sense. Jover's IQ isn't the issue but her lack of common sense.

How do we flatten the curve of PAB-COVID-19? The key is all about complete social distancing from Laurio as well as her supporters. We can consider why arguing with Jover whether in person or on the Internet is a waste of brain cells. Just notice that for one Jover is a point-misser. Maybe, it's better to call Pinoy Ako Blog into Point-Misser Ako Blog because many of the posts by her (and presumably by her friends) always miss the point. Jover is also very selective. I wonder if she noticed that President Rodrigo R. Duterte had FIRED Manuelito Luna for harassing Vice President Leni Loud Robredo. Did she even realize police authorities are also going after those who have given death threats against Leni Loud? I guess she always misses the point way too many times. Arguing with a point-misser is like arguing with a pigeon. It doesn't matter if you've got the facts right because the point-misser will always act like he or she won.

If you're the type to get irritated at Jover's stupidity then IGNORE it. There' the saying that you can't win arguing against a troll. She is obviously a troll who's ugly inside-out. She will never get the point because she is a point-misser. People who comment on her blog are usually just there to stroke her ego and spread their stupidity. It would be better to avoid arguing at PAB. If you want to read PAB for laughs or find inspiration for something to shoot then go ahead. But wouldn't it be better to treat PAB-COVID-19 like you would a virus? Remember, a starved troll will probably soon be a dead troll. A virus without a host will soon be a deadly virus. The same goes for PAB-COVID-19 - it will soon be flattened the more you prefer to socially distance yourself from PAB club.
