Walang Ligo Sardines Isn't CHR Approved, Just Gascon Approved

I don't have any problem with the establishment of the Commission of Human Rights (CHR). We can consider it was established because of the list of human rights violations that were done during the Marcos Years. Now, consider the real functions of the CHR as a government agency. It's meant to monitor and investigate ALL forms of human rights violations. Unfortunately, the same can't be said of the CHR under Chito Gascon. Abolish CHR? Nope, I'd say fire Gascon away from his post. If anything, he should be allowed to be Antonio Trillanes IV's lawyer instead. If anything, the CHR seal of approval here is better said as "Gascon Approved: OK Sa Kanyang Standard!". Just because any company doesn't get the CHR "seal of approval" doesn't mean that the company isn't compliant with human rights. Don't tell me companies without Gascon's seal of approval in raising funds for the Legacy Virus outbreak are automatically "human rights violators". If ever the charges against Ligo Sardines against UNFAIR labor practices are real then shouldn't CHR (or better yet Gascon) condemn it instead of giving its approval?

Gascon himself, not CHR, is the problem. His inconsistency is really jarring. First, he says that CHR should only go after crimes done by state agents. However, CHR's mandate is meant to investigate on its own or upon complaint all forms of human rights violations. True, it's not all the time that a legislative hearing should be set. However, shouldn't CHR investigate both sides? Shouldn't CHR also cater to policemen and soldiers who have been victimized by human rights violators? Second, Gascon ended up showing more of his true colors when he chose to side with Trillanes. Don't tell me that Trillanes wasn't a state agent when he did his two major failed mutinies?

TBH, I'm just thankful some sensible Filipinos have had the mind to #BoycottLigo. Better yet, call it Walang Ligo Sardines. They could settle for other local or imported brands of sardines that tastes better than Walang Ligo. Just like Celeteque (and you better buy South Korea's Botanic Heal instead) - Filipinos are better off without Walang Ligo Sardines.
