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Kayabagangan Partylist Should Consider Hiring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez To Be One Of Their Speakers

Let's just face it that people who support a welfare state or any government dole-out program (such as 4Ps) are stupid people with a high sense of superiority. I really want to suggest that Kabataan (Youth) Partylist or should I call them Kayabangan (Arrogance) Partylist should consider hiring the American idiot of a congresswoman named Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who is a socialist congresswoman. She just can't explain her USD 40 Trillion plan.

My suggestion right now is that if they want more "validation" then Kabataan Partylist can request for Cortez's presence. Representative Sarah Elago of Kayabangan Partylist should approach Alexandria herself and INVITE her over to speak for them. She has nearly the same ideals. She and Elago are both youth party leaders who are freaking clueless about economic policies. They are both socialist women who want a welfare state.

Where or when is entirely up to them. However, I don't think Cortez would speak her nonsense for free. Let them hire her if she wants. She would probably charge them an exorbitant fee which in turn will probably reveal the financial trail of the Kabataan Partylist.


  1. That Fox "News" TH station is just the US vrsion of oligarch propaganda. The first wrong fact is hat AOC is not in favor of an Universal Basic Income (UBE) However, scientists have developed models of UBE which were fundable in a Western country. However, these models would fail in the Philippines due to different structure of its economy and due to what you call "Culture of impunity".

    AOC whants to make to US more Europe-alike. European coutries such as the UK, France, Germany, Sweden offer a lot of free stuff to their residents. They offer free health care, (or at least affordable public insurance plans) free education, (except UK) free childcare. Most offer also free expressways and public housing plans. And they can fund it. In relation to their GDP these countries have less public debt then the US.

    What AOC wants is a social welfare and public healthcare system like Denmark or Sweden. And this won't cosev 40 trillion. This figure is another lie of the oligarch TV network.


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