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Raoul Manuel's Poor Justification For UP Students' Habitual Absences To Attend Rallies

It's a shame really how cum laude student regent from Iloilo namely Raoul Manuel is a fool in real life. It's a fact that many stupid people today are in fact HIGHLY EDUCATED. I remembered how people would use their college degrees or even post-graduate degrees to say that they aren't stupid. Now I'd like to post something towards Manuel's poor logic that deserved a lot of beating from Netizens to this highly educated idiot! He may have entered a hard to enter school (University of the Philippines), he may have graduated cum laude but he's still a fool or gago nonetheless when it comes to real life.

He's right to say that it's not President Duterte's money and the people's money. However, he's once again raising up imaginary issues. He's once again saying President Duterte is a tyrant based on his imagination without proof. Maybe the only proof he has come from the leftist organizations such as Bayad Muna, Kabataan Partylist or biased publications such as CRappler and Non-Inquirer? If President Duterte was indeed a tyrant -- why aren't he and his cohorts arrested and tortured in military camps? Why is President Duterte just leaving them alone and leaving them to the lower authorities to apprehend?

What good are the rallyists doing anyway? They are espousing stupid ideas that will destroy the nation. They show just how more uncivilized they are than President Duterte. True, I don't like President Duterte's lack of decency but I don't buy fake decency either. Their so-called decency drops when you see what they do during rallies -- making a lot of noise and they leave a lot of mess after every rally. It makes you wonder if their definition of democracy is anarchy because the two aren't the same thing. There's a difference between the limited freedom that democracy provides and the chaos that anarchy encourages to those under it. Those rallies not only disturb traffic and work but they also leave plenty of garbage behind. So tell me is that what taxpayers are paying them for to do? 

I even want to question Manuel's claim that the youth groups are pushing for the rights and welfare of oppressed millions. What oppressed millions? Once again he's living in an imaginary dictatorship all the while he could have the makings of a dictator himself. The whole "feeling inaapi" or "feeling oppressed" mentality is always used by activists as well. History shows how communism rises with the feeling inaapi crowd. Mao Zedong conquered a democratic China under Chiang Kai Shek by appealing to the Chinese who were feeling inaapi. The same recruitment strategy has been used by Filipino communist groups to get young people to join their cause. 

They are paid to STUDY AND FINISH THEIR SCHOOLING and stay in their classes -- not to go out and cause trouble. If they only go out to cause trouble then they should be considered for expulsion to avoid wasting tax money. Besides, how sure is he that the public is supporting what he does and what the walking out students do? If those activist students want their tuition fees paid  then they should ask Jose Maria Sison to pay for their tuition fees. Manuel had his beating coming and this is just going to be another one.
