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Don't Tell Me Build Build Build By President Duterte Happened Last 2014?

I'm just amazed at how the Yellowtards are now using PAST PICTURES containing information about the misfortunes of the Noynoy Administration (which shouldn't all be blamed on Noynoy Aquino either) to discredit whatever good President Duterte does now. Sure, they do have the right to give criticism to President Duterte for his shortcomings but what you'll see below in this rather simple post will make you facedesk! 

So here's someone who is blaming Build Build Build for this incident? I guess you are what you watch, right? It just like how their beloved Yellow Media which they consider to be truthful and independent (such as CRappler and ABiaS-CBN). Who can remember CRappler lying about thousands walking out when CNN showed that there were but HUNDREDS in total who walked out? The obvious biases are now showing yet ABiaS-CBN still wants to make the public believe that they are not siding with anyone yet action speaks louder than words. Now what really happened?

Okay, please don't blame Noynoy for said incident either. He didn't cut off that phone line cable either! It just so happened that the phone line cable fell on the footbridge. It was taken last 2014. when President Duterte wasn't president yet.

So really, who are the Yellowtards trying to kid with their low levels of logic?
