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Hanoi Liberation Day's 70th Anniversary Continues To Show Why The CPP Is A Poor Imitation Of The CPV

Tuoi Tre News

Happu 70th anniversary of Hanoi's liberation from the French IMPERIALISTS, right? It's the day when Ho Chi Minh liberated Hanoi from French occupation. Unsurprisingly, the late Joma Sison (who died in 2022) was inspired by the Vietnam War. It's really funny how Kabataan Pantylist was founded in the 70th year of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) -- even wearing the same blue shirts with different logos. Gagabriela Women's Party was founded in 2000 -- a few days after the 70th birthday of the Vietnam Women's Union (VMU). They can deny their involvement but mourning for Joma gave them off. The CPP-NPA is a POOR COPY of the CPV-VPA.

Several Maoist sections like Dem Volke Dienen, Tjen Folk media Struggle Sessions and other Gonzaloites criticise Ho as a rightist, rejecting Maoism. Their grounds are that he took aid from revisionist USSR and did not uphold the Cultural Revolution, taking a centrist path. Chairman Joma Sison staunchly defends Ho as a Maoist refuting such critiques stating "Ho Chin Minh is a great revolutionary leader of the Vietnamese people and the world proletariat. He led to victory the people's war that confronted French and US aggression and inflicted the first frontal and definitive defeat of US imperialism in a country that it has dominated. Under Ho Minh's leadership, the Vietnamese proletariat and people won victories on their self-reliant struggle even as China assisted their struggle for certain periods and so did the Soviet Union, especially in the run up to victory in the late years of the 1960s to 1975. It is a matter of historical fact that even as the Soviet Union was already social imperialist Ho was able to wisely use its assistance to defeat US imperialism. Without Soviet assistance, South Vietnam would not have been liberated at 60's the rate it was liberated.

Ho's methods involved the use of fronts involving students, young workers, women, teachers, workers, and economists. Doesn't that really sound familiar? However, the big difference between the two baldy men is this. France REALLY occupied Vietnam. The time when Joma arose -- the Philippines was already a SOVEREIGN STATE. Why did Joma continue to consider the Americans as "imperialists" when they weren't taking over ANY COUNTRY for that matter? Sure, the American government tends to meddle in other countries while its credibility SHRINKS. However, America has not taken over the Philippines. Did Joma think companies like McDonald's (which Babalu Reyes buys it Coke Float from) or Starbucks were imperialist aggressors? In short, Joma fought against an IMAGINED IMPERIALIST. Ho fought against a REAL IMPERIALIST at that time.


Compared to Joma -- the CPV-VPA has more credibility. Ho started out as a chef in the USA. Ho's family wasn't wealthy either -- compared to Joma's family. Ho's father was a teacher and a politician. It means Ho knew what it was to be in the proletariat before becoming a Communist teacher. He even went to the Soviet Union and China where he studied to become a Communist. He was an exile but unlike Joma -- he wasn't having a good time. Instead, he was busy organizing his Communist party. Ho even went to the kabundokan with his comrades. Ho managed to liberate Hanoi from the French but died before the reunification.

The CPP-NPA strikes fear in people. It's not a walk in the park to get rid of the CPP-NPA -- even after Joma died on December 17, 2022. However, the CPP-NPA never had any real meaningful victory compared to the CPP-VPA. The CPP-VPA won against French imperialism because Vietnam was really under French occupation. What was Joma fighting anyway? Imagined imperialists! Joma claims to fight against American imperialism but his troops are using MacBook PROs instead of Huawei or Xiaomi laptops. 

It's no surprise but still pretty awkward that the CPP-NPA hasn't had a meaningful alliance with the CPV-VPA. Aren't both of them Communists? However, the CPV-VPA underwent drastic changes such as when the late Do Muoi (as General-Secretary) established Doi Moi. The CPP-VPA opened its gates to FDI -- something that the CPP-NPA legal fronts still oppose. The HCYU has been welcoming FDIs with open arms compared to Kabataan. Kabataan opposes 100% FDI while the HCYU doesn't. The CPP-VPA's now-legalized fronts support Doi Moi. When will the CPP-NPA see the beauty of Doi Moi? Joma may have successfully taken over IF he embraced Doi Moi. It was also during the 1980s when Joma got exiled and Do Muoi created Doi Moi.

Think that the CPP-NPA has NEVER given any real respect during Vietnam's events. Nguyen Phy Trong dies and NONE Of them sent any respects. To Lam becomes the new General Secretary and none of them sent any congratulatory notes. Were they jealous To Lam ate expensive steak and took none of them there? Neither the CPP-NPA nor its legal fronts ever bother to pay respect to Vietnam. The HCYU celebrated its anniversary many times -- no sign of Kabataatan in sight! I don't expect Gagabriela to show up during the VMU's anniversary either!

That's why I can praise the Communists of Vietnam but not the Communists of the Philippines. The Vietnamese commies understand economics better. Funny enough that Joma should praise Ho but never understood Doi Moi. 
