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Gagabriela Women's Party Was Founded On The Same Month On Vietnam Women Union's 70th Anniversary

Sarah Elgago's Twitter

Unsurprisingly, the late Joma Sison was inspired by the Vietnam War. Is it any surprise that Kabataan Pantylist and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (or Vietnam Youth Union) are quite similar? It's not enough that Kabataan Pantylist was founded in the 70th year of the Vietnam Youth Union. It turns out that Gagabriela Women's Party was founded in October 2000 and the Vietnam Women's Union was founded in October 1970. Coincidence or not? Gagabriela can deny supporting terrorism BUT they praise Joma as some kind of hero

Ho Chi Minh and Joma are both baldy men who founded Communist parties. Both established armed forces namely the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) and the New People's Army (VPA). Unsurprisingly, Ho's modus operandi involved students, youths, women, and teachers. The Vietnam Women's Union carries the Ho Chi Minh Thought on Women's Liberation. I wouldn't be surprised if Joma also copied Ho's manual to create the legal front Gagabriela! 

Tap chi Mat tran

This can be read about Ho's thoughts on women's liberation:

According to Ho Chi Minh, the cause of women's liberation is not the separate revolutionary work of women, but is associated with the revolution for national liberation, class liberation, and human liberation. “Women are also among the people. If the whole nation is liberated, they will be evidently liberated. On the contrary, if the nation is still enslaved, they and their children will become slaves”(2). The  path of proletarian revolution is the only right way for women to emancipate themselves from the bondage, oppression and exploitation of feudalism and colonialism. Ho Chi Minh demanded to stand on the proletariat position to fight for women's liberation. He was always critical of the views that separate the struggle for women's liberation from the general revolutionary cause: “There is nothing more dangerous and wrong than just fighting for women's rights instead of engaging in class struggles and national struggle. Women can only achieve equality with men once our nation has gained independence and freedom, the workers, farmers and peasants are free from the exploitation of the bourgeoisie and despotic landowners”

Gabriela was originally formed in April 1984. Gagabriela became a partylist in the 70th year of the Vietnam Women's Union. Is it really a bizarre coincidence or what? Gabriela's history also has this to say:

Gabriela Women’s Party is a sectoral party dedicated to promoting the rights and welfare of marginalized and under-represented Filipino women through participation in the country’s electoral system and organs of governance.

Gabriela Women’s Party seeks to harness the potential, initiative, skills and leadership of marginalized women towards empowerment, justice and equality.

Why would the organization be founded on October 28, 2000 -- eight days after the 70th birthday of the Vietnam Women's Union? The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) may not include Ho's images in their rallies. Both Ho and Joma have some things in common -- they're near-sighted, have a bald spot, poetic, and are founders of Communist organizations! Ho used legal fronts throughout his whole career in the war against the French and South Vietnam. Are the members of Makabayad bloc secretly admirers of Ho's methods? 

More interestingly, it seems Joma Sison may have had a history with the CPV:

By his emphasis on Ho Chi Minh’s letter, CPP founder Sison signals his support for every one of the crimes and slanders of the Stalinists in Vietnam and elsewhere at the time. Ho regurgitates all the lies about the French and Spanish Trotskyists who opposed the treacherous policies of the Popular Front, which directly subordinated the working class to sections of the bourgeoisie. In Spain, Stalinist murder squads acted as an arm of the Popular Front government in torturing and murdering leftists critical of its policies.

The chief target of Ho’s three letters were the Chinese Trotskyists. They were slandered by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as supporters of Japanese fascism, just as Leon Trotsky was being branded on the basis of fraudulent fabrications as an agent of Nazi Germany. That did not stop Stalin from signing a non-aggression pact with Hitler just months later as well as a “neutrality pact” with the militarist regime in Tokyo in April, 1941. The Soviet deal with Japan lasted until the final weeks of World War II, even as the Japanese army ruthlessly waged a war to conquer China.

Like Sison’s slanders against historian Scalice, Ho invented nothing new but simply repeated the lies against the Chinese Trotskyists concocted by the CCP out of thin air. In 1937, as Stalin was carrying out the murderous purges directed above all against the Trotskyists in the Soviet Union, Wang Ming and Kang Sheng returned from Moscow to ratchet up the denunciation of the Chinese Trotskyists.

Joma was probably too inspired by the CPV back in his day. Gagabriela may have been purposely established in the 70th year (and on the SAME MONTH) of the Vietnam Women's Union for that matter. Kabataan Pantylist was established on June 19, 2001, while the Vietnam Youth Union was founded on March 26, 1931. It's possible that suspicions rose as to why Joma created the Gagabriela legal front on 2000. However, there may be the possibility of delays caused by real-life circumstances. What can't be denied is that Kabataan was formed in the 70th year of the Vietnam Youth Union. Gagabriela was founded eight days after the Vietnam Women Union's 70th birthday and is still funny. 
