The current proposal to scrap the UP-DND Accord (which is an agreement between the University of the Philippines and the Department of National Defense) is something worth discussing.
What is the UP-DND Accord really about?
Rappler shows the following stuff concerning the UP-DND Accord:
Prior notification shall be given to the UP administration by the military or police before they could conduct any operations inside the UP campuses.
Except in "cases of hot pursuit and similar occasions of emergency," no military or police shall enter the premises of the UP campuses.
When the UP administration asks for security assistance from the troops, only uniformed personnel of the military and police can enter the campus premises.
Members of the military and police "shall not interfere with peaceful protest actions" by the UP community in their campus.
The service of search warrants to any UP student, faculty, employee, or invited participant in any UP activity shall as far as predictable be done after prior notification to the UP President, or Chancellor of the campus, or the Dean of the regional unit.
The arrest or detention of any student, faculty, or employee anywhere in the Philippines, shall be reported immediately to the UP administration. No members of the UP community shall be subjected to custodial investigation without prior notice of the university administration.
A joint monitoring group composed of the UP Faculty Regent, UP Student Regent, UP administration officials, and officials from the military and police shall meet twice a year to determine compliance [with] the agreement.
Nothing in the agreement "shall be construed as a prohibition against the enforcement of the laws of the land."
This is really something when we can consider if we want to get rid of the UP-DND Accord. The question is do Filipino COMMUNISTS even honor the said accord? I decided to put them in bold letters to be spelled out to what the UP-DND Accord is all about.
Are the Filipino communists REALLY following the rules of the UP-DND Accord?
The UP-DND Accord's provisions are NOT about granting immunity from military and police intervention in any of the UP campuses. Instead, it's all about the protocol that military and police aren't allowed to enter into the premises except in EMERGENCY CASES, HOT PURSUITS, and are not allowed to intervene with PEACEFUL protests. This would really raise the following concerns:
- Don't tell me that the disappearances of students in the UP Campuses aren't states of emergency.
- Having CPP-NPA members in the UP Campuses (students and teachers alike) is already considered hot pursuit. The accord doesn't grant them immunity.
- Have the protests been peaceful or not? Last time, some protests have already spiraled out of control and therefore required military intervention. Also, allowing protests during the time of COVID-19 did place the UP-Diliman Campus employees at risk.
- What about the joint monitoring? Has it really been put to check to make sure that the UP campuses have been kept clean of bad elements? Not to mention what in the world is Antonio Trillanes IV teaching in UP?
- Also, the accord is NOT about granting immunity to employees and students on campus. Just because one is an "iskolar ng bayan" doesn't mean he or she is exempt from following the law. Just because one is a teaching staff or trustee in UP doesn't mean he or he is exempt from following the law.
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