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WTF: Activists Want To Raise The Prices Of Unhusked Rice While Lowering Down The Prices Of Rice Grains?!

After seeing this all I can say is -- WTF to many levels because of how stupid the demand is. For non-Tagalog readers, the protest signboard says, "Increase the prices of unhusked rice! Decrease the price of rice grains!" This makes me want to remind readers that they don't need a doctorate in business administration or economics to understand this rather simple short statement. I'm no economist but I know how stupid the demand is because I do some more self-study on basic economics.

The protesters show the obvious problem that not understanding basic economics makes cavemen out out of people. How can you produce cheaper rice grains if the prices of unhusked rice are higher? Prices of goods and services don't only decrease with an increase of supply and lowering of demand. It's also determined by the cost of materials involved used to make the finished product aside aside from labor costs and utility costs.

If the prices of rice grains are low then it's because the prices of unhusked rice is low. The cost of manufacturing also includes the cost of raw materials. Lesser priced raw materials may contribute to the lowering of the prices of the final products. The protest placard just proves how neglecting basic economics makes you very stupid.
