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A Better Way To End That Idiotic Teleserye Ika-6 Na Utos?

I didn't watch it in whole considering how IDIOTIC this teleserye called Ika-6 Na Utos (Sixth Commandment) is but I could think about not offering some proper closure. So who's the main cause of all the problems? Let's take a look at this one... and take note that I didn't watch full episodes either but I got some bits and pieces of an otherwise idiotic show. 

Much of Georgia's actions can be traced back to her idiotic mother Mildred. This scene makes me go WTF. As much as I hate Georgia for being such a bitch but the mother is the root cause. It's nature vs. nurture. You can see how Mildred only treats Georgia as ATM, wastes her money on a useless boyfriend and wants more money. I guess all that stupidity led to Georgia's homewrecking attitude and obsession with Rome. Shouldn't she get some punishment?

I thought of how Mildred was even absent to where she should be -- at Georgia's death. As much as Georgia's actions are not right but I felt happy when Mildred was hit by her own evil daughter. After all, who raised the bitch to be a bitch in the first place? I even felt Mildred feeling sad over her other daughter Geneva's death was more because, "WTF! I don't have extra money anymore and Georgia only gives me PHP 15,000.00." What a terrible mother!

If I were to write the ending -- I would do it this way. Georgia got her due but what about that idiotic super bad mother of hers named Mildred? Her being a bad mother should get her some time too. She only visited her daughter in prison to mock her or two -- she never even considered why her own younger daughter went like that. I would probably allow Mildred to see her daughter mistreat the latter's minions and take them for granted. That would remind her of how she treated her two daughters -- for granted. Maybe, I could also have her ask for the money which would result to Emma slapping her, finally realizing why everyone had to suffer under Georgia's evil insanity. 

After Georgia finally dies in that brutal accident -- we see a scene where she cries and goes insane because she has lost her last remaining ATM. She is taken to Mandaluyong where a lot of mental patients give her a welcome party. She starts to see how she has mistreated her own daughters for money. She even hallucinates about them. She is beaten up by the other mental patients. She is subjected to several electric shocks and she insists she's a good mother. However, her dirty laundry is exposed and her character as a monster breeder is revealed causing even more people to hurt her badly -- like Georgia had during her time in prison. This would have been a very satisfying performance to such an idiotic show. 
