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It's Best Not To Immediately Believe #NagaLeaks Without Properly Investigating The Allegations Against The Late Jesse Robredo

Right now there's the new phenomenon called #NagaLeaks which suggests that maybe, just maybe that the late Jesse Robredo himself may not be a hero or worthy of the Magsaysay Awards as we thought he was. So what's up with #NagaLeaks? It's best to take this information with a grain of salt for this reason. There's a possibility that some Duterte supporters or enemies of the Robredos just want to cause some trouble. Sure I want VP Leni to be unseated but there's a legal process. VP Leni must be proven to have been installed by Hocus PCOS before Senator Bongbong Marcos can be legitimately placed as vice president.

What do I think about #NagaLeaks? It's best to analyze the authenticity of the claim to avoid becoming as dirty as the Aquinotards. It's best to think whether or not the late Jesse himself was just a tool by Liberal Party or did he really have any battle against drugs and jueteng or did he just monopolize it towards his alleged friends the Mercados? I can't claim to have the answers and all I can do is to wait for the answers from other people. After reading what could be a shocking expose from The Collective -- it's best for Duterte supporters not to believe everything that's written not in favor. Nobody's a complete expert in anything and there could be mistakes or people get deceived by hearsay.


  1. Well, BBM does want to abolish EDSA holidays and endorse authoritarianism from his late father, and strongman to be more like China than Singapore thanks to Mao Zedong.

    1. Can I ask what's your proof that BBM wants to endorse authoritarianism? Do you think that the Aquinos are all good? Hope you can clarify your stand.

    2. This is because Ferdinand Marcos' thesis was constitutional authoritarianism.

      The dichotomy is that either Marcoses and/or Aquinos would be either good and/or bad; it depends.

      The authoritarianism was that in Singapore, Russia, China, Middle-East Countries, Brunei and most parts of Africa.


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